Production Growth of Large and Medium Manufacturing Industry (IBS) of West Kalimantan in Quarter I (q-to-q) Year 2017 decreased 0.91 percent - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Kayong Utara Regency

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Production Growth of Large and Medium Manufacturing Industry (IBS) of West Kalimantan in Quarter I (q-to-q) Year 2017 decreased 0.91 percent

Production Growth of Large and Medium Manufacturing Industry (IBS) of West Kalimantan in Quarter I (q-to-q) Year 2017 decreased 0.91 percentDownload Official Statistics News
Release Date : May 2, 2017
File Size : 0.41 MB


Production Growth of Large and Medium Manufacturing Industry (IBS) of West Kalimantan in Quarter I (q-to-q) Year 2017 decreased 0.91 percent compared to Quarter IV of 2016, National Production Growth increased by 0.86 percent.
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