In September 2017, the number of poor (people with per capita income per month below the Poverty Line) in West Kalimantan reached 388.81 thousand people (7.86 percent) - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Kayong Utara Regency

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In September 2017, the number of poor (people with per capita income per month below the Poverty Line) in West Kalimantan reached 388.81 thousand people (7.86 percent)

Release Date : January 2, 2018
File Size : 0.6 MB


In September 2017, the number of poor (people with per capita income per month below the Poverty Line) in West Kalimantan reached 388.81 thousand people (7.86 percent), increased by 1.4 thousand people compared to March 2017 which amounted to 387.43 thousand people
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