Gross Domestic Regional Product of Kayong Utara Regency by Expenditure 2017-2021 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Kayong Utara Regency

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Gross Domestic Regional Product of Kayong Utara Regency by Expenditure 2017-2021

Catalog Number : 9302020.6111
Publication Number : 61110.2207
Publishing Frequency : Annually
Release Date : April 28, 2022
Language : Indonesian
File Size : 12.83 MB


The Book of Gross Regional Domestic Product of Kayong Utara Regency according to Expenditures for the Years 2017-2021 is a continuation of the publications of previous years compiled by BPS for North Kayong Regency. This publication presents an overview of the economic development of Kayong Utara Regency in a descriptive manner. This book also displays tables of GRDP in 2017 – 2021 based on current prices and 2010 constant prices in the form of nominal values and percentages.
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